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Dan Parenti

S E N I O R  L A N D S C A P E   A R C H I T E C T

A senior-level landscape architect with 20 years of experience, Dan is responsible for ensuring seamless coordination and collaboration among the Hoffman & Ospina team, architects, interior designers, engineers, consultants, contractors, city and local authorities, and the firm's clients.

Based in New York City, he serves clients from coast to coast.

He joined Hoffman & Ospina after having worked for two of Los Angeles' leading multi-disciplinary architecture firms specializing in high-end residences of both classical and contemporary architecture and garden styles. Originally from New England, Dan was the lead designer and project manager for a design-build landscape company catering to high-end residential clients and has experience in a wide range of project typologies including signature parks, playgrounds and school yards; streetscapes; commercial and corporate developments; hospitality facilities; and luxury residences.

He also has volunteered his expertise to benefit the community, including working on the renovation of a two-family farmhouse and condominium units for Habitat for Humanity.




  • Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

  • Earned designation as a Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist

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